I should try experimenting with glitch GIF and videos, see if I can get something similar to what Corey has going on.

Johnson, Corey. Feedback: Slowed (62), 2016. Digital image. N.p., 26 Sept. 2016. Web. 1 Oct. 2016. <http://artoftheglitch.tumblr.com/post/150991283200/feedback-slowed-62-2016-artoftheglitchcom#150991283200>.

  1. Log into Windows
  2. Convert JPG to BMP
  3. Open image in Frhed
  4. Select rows 0x420420 - 0x840840
  5. Delete rows by bytes
  6. Convert BMP to TIF
  7. Open image in Frhed
  8. Select rows 0x902100 - 0xeeee00
  9. Reverse bytes
  10. Convert TIF to JPG

Glitch art animated. There's so much going on in this video and it's exactly what I like about it. The soundtrack is ambient and has an ominous tone to it, adding to the bizarreness of it all.

Digital Sandbox (HD Download). Dir. Matt Burrows. YouTube. N.p., 16 Sept. 2016. Web. 1 Oct. 2016. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnojHgfEfCo.

  1. Log into Windows
  2. Open image in Frhed
  3. Select rows 0xdddd - 0x2a2a2a
  4. Encode in ROT-13
  5. Open image in Paint
  6. Convert JPG to BMP
  7. Open image in Frhed
  8. Select rows 0xf1f1f1 - 0xffffff
  9. Delete rows
  10. Select rows 0x111111 - 0x191919
  11. Delete rows
  12. Open image in Paint
  13. Convert BMP to JPG
Yakuza 4. San Francisco, CA: Sega, 2011. Computer software, video game.
  1. Log into Windows
  2. Open image in Frhed
  3. Select rows 0x101010 - 0xf0f0f0
  4. Encode with ROT-13
  1. Log into Windows
  2. Open image in Frhed
  3. Select rows 0x11111 - 0x222222
  4. Decode with ROT-13

  1. Log into Windows
  2. Open image in Frhed
  3. Select row 1a5cc5
  4. Replace all following occurrences of "5" to "c"

Have You Uploaded To The Cloud Yet?

Graphic GIF

When I think of digital graphics, the presence of pixels surfaces as one of the fundamental foundations for modern images. In the beginning, when screen could only show so much data, the proper placement of pixels is crucial to displaying information in a clear and compact way.

At first I wanted to try rotoscope, but then I decided to take a more simplified route: instead of creating intricate digitally-drawn lines, I went with creating distinctly more pixellated forms.

The theme of cloud computing was formed after I completed my co-op term in Toronto, so I made my focus on the emergence of modern technology. Using an image of the CN Tower as a centrepiece, I enhanced the colours and contrast to bring out a more HD appearance. Then I added cloud created from scratch and blew them up while still maintaining their blockiness.

In response to the reading, "GIFS are simultaneously “in your face” and in your mind, their affects continuous with the immersive experience of daily internet use" (McKay). The resulting GIF not only pops, and it is meant to remind us of how technology is essential to our day-to-day lives, mainly storing our personal files to "the cloud". The world of pixels and data are synonymous with the tangible cities we live and work in. Finally, the title is capitalized in a way that references generated web articles that offer technical pro-tips such as Lifehacker which somehow end up on the first page of Google; it tries to persuade Internet browsers to click on these pages and read, even if the article may just be a stub with a link or two.

McKay, Sally. "The Affect of Animated GIFs (Tom Moody, Petra Cortright, Lorna Mills) | Art & Education." Art & Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Sept. 2016. <http://www.artandeducation.net/paper/the-affect-of-animated-gifs-tom-moody-petra-cortright-lorna-mills/>.

Image used in GIF-making process:
Felisiris. CN Tower. Digital image. Pixabay. N.p., Apr. 2016. Web. 26 Sept. 2016. <https://pixabay.com/en/tower-blue-sky-toronto-canada-high-1306564>.


Narrative GIF

This is a hybrid of the known and the unknown. We see a common scene at a live music performance, but no faces are familiar. We see an entity that is iconic and memorable, but in a manner that reverts it back to any ordinary monster horror.

I used footage from a concert I attended and wanted to focus on the musicians. However, the presence of the audience member beside me seemed to be full of energy. The more I watched the movie the more I agreed on using him as the subject as he serves to be an interesting focus. Adobe Photoshop made it incredibly easy to create a composition and crop the rest of the video.

I wanted to show how the presence of music can bring out our most inner emotions, but the hard part was figuring out how to incorporate a narrative into it. I played around with some blending modes on various colour layers, and settled on red due to how its stark heat contrasts with the regular blue hue. I made the red layers visible on only when the stage light fills the screen, and that was when I thought of the idea to make something appear in its intensity.

What if we were able to see a vision of this person's true colours? I chose to go with something gruesome, as though we were watching a horror movie emerging from the seemingly comforting scene at a concert. The idea of placing H. R. Giger's Alien design - one that is simultaneously terrifying and mesmerising - in the centre of this little story excited me.

At that point, it finally came together. Whether the monster seen in the GIF is figurative or literal, it provided an ominous layer to the narrative which gives plenty to speculate about.

In response to the reading, "[t]he goal of the animated GIF ... is to employ as few frames as possible, in order to keep the file size small and the download times speedy" (McKay). My narrative GIF tries to find a balance between the jerkiness of GIF frames and the smoothness of cinematic footage. If the video was completely imported into Photoshop, it would result in a more seamless sequence but at the cost of a smaller and more manageable file size. I opted to remove just enough frames so that the monster's appearance is limited to one frame at a time. The original video was at 1080p resolution, but I chose to shrink the GIF to 640 x 360 pixels to further shrink the file.

McKay, Sally. "The Affect of Animated GIFs (Tom Moody, Petra Cortright, Lorna Mills) | Art & Education." Art & Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Sept. 2016. <http://www.artandeducation.net/paper/the-affect-of-animated-gifs-tom-moody-petra-cortright-lorna-mills/>.

Image used in GIF-making process:
Rydzewski, Artur. Alien, H.R. Giger. Digital image. Flickr. N.p., 13 Apr. 2014. Web. 21 Sept. 2016. <https://www.flickr.com/photos/119200904@N07/14102287852>.
  1. Log into Windows
  2. Open image in Frhed
  3. Select row 000357
  4. Replace all following occurrences of "RE" with "00"
Sakamoto Ryoma Photo 2. Digital image. Wikimedia Commons. N.p., 10 Mar. 2012. Web. 27 Sept. 2016. <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sakamoto_Ryoma_Photo2.jpg>.
The only time I have access to OS X is in the computer lab. But I wanted to look for ways on creating glitch art on Windows and Linux, two systems I easily have access to at home.

The following link leads to a method using a hex editor to modify an image file: http://www.certainly-strange.com/?p=548

Steen. "Glitch Art for Windows and Linux." Certainly Strange. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Sept. 2016. <http://www.certainly-strange.com/?p=548>.

Results look great, so here I go!
Lemon-pies-and-unicorns. Pixel art. Digital image. Tumblr. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Sept. 2016. <http://lemon-pies-and-unicorns.tumblr.com/post/126024102522>.

This would be a nice city to live in, almost as if a city from an older Pokemon game has been brought to life.

Same concert. This song is one of my favourites so I had to get some footage. The way they prepared the lights are astounding, in that the colours, speed, and frequency all coincide with their tracks. With this one, it's clear that the song has a slower, more contemplative sound.

Filmed at a concert in Toronto, then GIF-ified. The musicians seemed to be really into the music, and as a member of the audience, it was all I could really ask for. It was a performance that was full of energy and passion.

I'm very glad to see this site listed as a reference to glitch art. This particular aesthetic speaks volumes to me.

I stumbled upon this movement by accident when I allowed Reddit to take me to a random subreddit. What I found was pure nostalgic exhilaration; it was as if I was transported back in time to my childhood, when I would mess around with my brother's things and find relics of the 80's.

Johnson, Corey. Feedback: Slowed (50), 2016. Digital image. N.p., 23 Sept. 2016. Web. 26 Sept. 2016. <http://artoftheglitch.tumblr.com/post/150801163984/feedback-slowed-50-2016-artoftheglitchcom>.

This screams Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to me, and not the 2014 movie abomination.
In this post: familiarity, robotic men, and dreams.

This Man. Digital image. Ever Dream This Man? N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Sept. 2016. <http://www.thisman.org/>.

Who is this man?

Usually I only listen to the music of artists I love, not even knowing what they look like most of the time. It was only until I was looking for more digital inspiration that I came upon Kraftwerk's 1977 music video "The Robots" that made me realize how familiar one of the performers is.

ApriliaRS125. "Kraftwerk - The Robots." YouTube. YouTube, 12 Jan. 2006. Web. 26 Sept. 2016. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXa9tXcMhXQ>.

Looking at the video on 0:47, I see a recognisable face: this man! I have yet to see this man in my dreams, though. But maybe after seeing this connection, the dreams will commence in the near future.

Topic to ponder about: do androids dream of this man?


The state of possessing otherness.

粒粒みかん. 無題. Digital image. Pixiv. N.p., 20 Jan. 2016. Web. 25 Sept. 2016. <http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=54810983>.


An expression that varies in reference to the speaker, that requires more context to give a full definition.

Constant Dullaart. "Soundwwwalk: Constant Dullaart." Vimeo. N.p., 19 Sept. 2011. Web. 25 Sept. 2016. <hhttps://vimeo.com/29267646>.


An image composed of static models posed to create a scene from a story or history.

Grillotti, R. Venus. Digital image. Pixel Model Series 01. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Sept. 2016. <http://anything.org/2006/pixelModelsGalleryImages/18.html>.


A clever trick.

dvdp. 140105. Digital image. dvdp. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Sept. 2016. <http://dvdp.tumblr.com/post/72319335213/140405>.


A performance that is meant to replicate a scene or event, usually from history.

Matthias Niessner. "Face2Face: Real-time Face Capture and Reenactment of RGB Videos (CVPR 2016 Oral)." YouTube. YouTube, 17 Mar. 2016. Web. 25 Sept. 2016. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohmajJTcpNk>.
Jen Tran
I'm a simple person with complex tastes. This is a place where I post digital creations, inspiration, and whatever comes to mind.

For Fine 229 - Hybrid Digital Media.